Vacation photos

Vacation_photo #CharlestonA vacation is delightfully awkward for photographers, for me at least. It’s a vacation so you’re supposed to step away from the routine and recharge. If your routine includes taking pictures does that mean no taking pictures during vacation? Or, does it mean using the time to challenge yourself further?
On our recent vacation, I really wanted to use the time to try some new things and practice other techniques I use infrequently but want to master. Nice plan. It fell apart quickly. You want to have some fun on a vacation and you need to spend quality time with your spouse or family.
We traveled through eastern Kentucky and Tennessee with stops for Cumberland Falls and the Smoky Mountain National Park where it reaches into North Carolina. Pictures were taken. But nothing experimental or challenging and plenty of snaps with the phones.
We ended in Charleston where we attended a wedding. Instead of hauling my camera gear in, I used my phone to grab snaps around the edges and let the paid professionals do the heavy lifting they were hired to do. Also enjoyed the wedding and family and had a great time with my spouse. The wedding coincided with our wedding anniversary so that was amusing, too.
The rest of our time in the area was full on tourist mode. Charleston is history rich and loaded with interesting sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. We hit the high points such as Ft. Sumner and the historic mansions in the old town. Pictures? Yes, but really snaps as we went along with not a lot of extra energy expended.
Finally, we visited the nearby beaches and at that stage I decided to take pictures and have some fun and not beat myself up trying anything in particular. If an opportunity came along fine. Otherwise, we concentrated on each other and the delightful environment we rarely have the opportunity to see. These new phones take a great picture and cover a lot of memories.

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